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<About In Music We Trust>

  In Music We Trust started out in July of 1997 as a vehicle in which to help expose talented artists to a larger audience.

  Well, here we are nearly twenty years later, a label, a national publicity company, a management company, and an online magazine.

  How did we grow into such a mammoth corporation? Well, luckily we were able to secure funding from an investor when the dot com craze was still happening. With that fifteen million, we all bought ourselves big houses, fancy cars, and got a bunch of employees.

  Unfortunately, after six months, the funds went away. We spent it all. We had to lay off 300 employees. We're back down to a handful of dedicated staff writers who do it for the love of music.

  OK, so we never got funding, but the rest is true. Writers like Sonya Brown, Jett Black, Jeb Branin, Gary "Pig" Gold, Geoff Melton, Clint Darling, and Mikel Jollett -- without whom this would never have been possible - do it because they love music and they love what we can do as a collective.

  As for the other portions of In Music We Trust... after doing the online magazine for three years, I decided it was time to help out bands on another level. So, I started the publicity side of In Music We Trust. We've been lucky enough to work with such great artists and Helio Sequence, King Black Acid, Carrie Akre, Sam Densmore's Silverhawk, SPIV, Man of the Year, Orbiter, Bundle of Hiss, A.C. Cotton, Betty Already, and several other great bands.

  With the publicity company in full swing, and the ability to scrap together every penny I could find, I decided to start a record label. Thus, the label side of In Music We Trust was born.

    We've got a few more releases coming soon, so stay tuned!

  The point of this is, In Music We Trust started out nearly twenty years ago as a zine that I did to cover great music and let others know of these bands we were blown away by. It has now grown into a PR firm, management company, and a label, all out of the love of music.

  We may not have the funding that several other dot com companies have (or had), but we'll be here long after they all fold.

  As I like to say... IN MUSIC WE TRUST!

Alex Steininger
In Music We Trust

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<In Music We Trust Staff>

Alex Steininger
In Music We Trust Founder, President, Writer, Editor (View all articles)

Alex Steininger got his start in music in 1995, writing about both local and national bands for the America Online magazine ChipNet. Making several connections with indie and major record labels, when AOL ceased ChipNet in 1997, Alex Steininger co-founded the online magazine In Music We Trust with life long friend Ryan.

In Music We Trust Magazine soon found an audience with like-minded music fans; In Music We Trust covered all genres, leaving no sound untouched, which resonated well with its readers, especially during the dawn of the world wide web. In Music We Trust managed to gain the attention of Billboard Magazine following it's launch, which reviewed the website, stating that they were champions of the little guy.

While still doing In Music We Trust Magazine, in 1999 Alex was hired to work at N.A.I.L. Distribution (National Alliance of Independent Labels) heading up their marketing department, working alongside artists and indie labels to coordinate their marketing efforts at retail. That same year, Alex started In Music We Trust PR, and picked up his first two PR clients courtesy of Cavity Search Records: King Black Acid and Helio Sequence. Many other clients followed after.

In 2001, Alex started another chapter in the In Music We Trust empire, launching In Music We Trust Records with the debut solo record from former Crackerbash/Jr. High front man, Sean Croghan. That year also saw Alex move to Burnside Distribution, accepting the title of Marketing Director and Label Liaison, again working alongside artists and labels, and retail stores, to better represent the Burnside catalog at both local and national retail outlets.

In 2003, CD Baby offered Alex the job of Vice President of Business Relations, and Alex moved over to CD Baby.

While Vice President of Business Relations at CD Baby, Alex secured deals with, Ryko Distribution, and Super D, a one-stop distributor, for CD Baby's catalog. The Ryko Distribution deal saw Alex heading up CD Baby's umbrella label group, with it's first release a live album from Reel Big Fish. The deal would make each CD Baby title not available on Amazon at the time available for sale. The Super D deal allowed CD Baby's clients, who didn't have distribution deals in place, to stock and special order their titles at retail. All three deals helped with CD Baby's rapid growth.

After four and a half years at CD Baby, all while still doing In Music We Trust Magazine, PR, and the record label, Alex left CD Baby in 2007 to focus on In Music We Trust full-time. The following year he added another division to In Music We Trust, launching In Music We Trust Management. He hasn't looked back since.

Now, here we are, nearly twenty years later, and Alex Steininger is still doing In Music We Trust, managing bands, running a national PR firm, and operating his record label. As the name states, Alex trusts in music and is thankful to be involved in helping expose, guide, and create hype for a wide array of artists and bands.

Stan Hall
Copy Editor, Writer (
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Brian Barry
Former In Music We Trust Writer (
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Born July 22nd, 1974. Jersey City, NJ.

Music influence: Older Sister.

Older Sister's record collection: Everything from Prince to the Police, ACDC to the BeeGees, Barry Manilow to Billy Joel, Bruce to Elton, Michael Jackson to Michael McDonald, Bowie to the Smiths, Elvis Costello to They Might Be Giants, the "White Room" to "White Lines".

Over the years: Soul, R+B, Classic Rock. Everything from Soul Coughing to REM to Talkingheads to Electronic to Joshua Redman to John Coltrane to Led Zep to Billy Holiday to the Ojays to the Whispers to Jeffrey Osbourne to Ambrosia. EVERYTHING.

What I order at the diner: Toasted Bagel with cream cheese on the side, coffee - 4+ refills.

Interesting fact: Relearned how to swim at age 12

Underwear: Boxers

People on the street mistake me for the following famous people: David Johannson (Buster Poindexter), Steven Morrissey, and Robbie Vanwinkle (Vanilla Ice)

Physical characteristic: 3+ inch Pompadore

Jett Black
In Music We Trust Writer (View all articles)

Greetings! What about Jett Black? Jett Black operates a growing collective at where djs, musicians, music editors, journalists, photographers, models, music store owners and reps, performance promotors, indie music label owners and countless other music enthusiasts all convene to contribute to and collaborate upon stimulating your interest in supporting LIVE and independently released new music.

Support YOUR Local Music Scene!

Write about the live and recorded music that you enjoy most!

By giving something back to your local music scene, you will become involved in the very survival of that music scene. Without your support, you might not have a music scene to turn to that brings you the music that you want to hear, nor the atmosphere and friends that you wish to enjoy during your next opportunity to get out of the home.

Jett Black and staff contribute articles to each month in every effort to not only bring news and insights to your eyes, but also to compel you to pick up the challenge and run with it head-long into supporting your local music scene in any way that meets with your interests and satisfaction.

For more information and ideas as to how you might become more involved within your local music scene, such as to perhaps become a music journalist, a Street Team volunteer, an on-air personality, provide behind the scene technical support, or to volunteer as a Hospitality Host or assistant, please get in touch with via Jett Black

Jeb Branin
In Music We Trust Writer (View all articles)

Howzit? I have been writing in underground music publications for over 15 years (having worked on staff at over a dozen publications) and am not nearly as jaded as I ought to be. In addition to "In Music We Trust", I publish my own e-mail zine called "The Crass Menagerie" ( and contribute to several other cool and not so cool underground publications including (on the cool side) "Maximum Rock 'N Roll" and "Short, Fast and Loud".

I listen to anything, but I prefer extreme music. Hardcore, Metal, Punk, Power Violence, Grind, Death, Sludge, Noise, and whatever else violates community sound pollution standards.

My favorites artists are too numerous to mention but you can bet that if it/he/she/they are on SLAP-A-HAM Records, SATAN'S PIMP Records, PESIMISSER Records, SOUND POLLUTION Records, RELAPSE records, CENTURY MEDIA Records, or other labels of that ilk, I'll be listening.

Jen Brown
Former In Music We Trust Writer (
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My name is Jen Brown. I currently attend Wilkes University in Wilkes Barre, PA. I grew up listening to a variety of music, anything ranging from Nirvana, to R&B. Eventually, I began liking rock more and more and began listening to bands such as Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, basically whatever happened to be on MTV. Soon though, I discovered there was more to music than MTV. When I was about 13 I started listening to the Violent Femmes, who are now my all-time favorite band.

Right around the time I discovered the music of the Violent Femmes was when I started developing my own music taste, not just what was being fed to me by the radio, or MTV. I began listening to rock bands such as Hagfish and the Toadies. However, rock just wasn't my thing. I enjoyed it, and still do to a certain extent, but it just wasn't me. I started listening to British Pop, bands like (The London) Suede, Ash, Blur, Radiohead, and early Oasis. The unique British sound was nice, but it still was not exactly the sound that I felt expressed myself.

Then one night I was watching My So Called Life, when MTV first aired it, and saw Buffalo Tom. I really enjoyed that sound, so I began listening to them. At this time in my life I guess one would say that I liked listening to more mellow poppy rock, instead of the harder rock. I started listening to Ben Lee, Bjork, Fountains of Wayne, and Hayden.

I still was missing something from my ever growing music collection. That was when I heard Goldfinger. It was early one morning and I was getting ready for school when I saw the video for "Here in Your Bedroom." This was my introduction to the world of ska and punk. Since then my taste for ska has developed. That was the music I had been searching for. Now my music collection still holds all of the bands I have mentioned so far, plus bands such as The Specials, The Toasters, Reel Big Fish, The Bruce Lee Band, Less Than Jake, Save Ferris, Millencollin, Goldfinger, the Cherry Poppin Daddies, Low Pressure, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Let's Go Bowling, The Pilfers, and Home Grown. Not to mention the many great ska bands on a variety of compilations, the ideal thing for a music lover.

Basically that's it, thats me, musically. I am sure I missed a few bands along the way. As far as an all-time favorite album, I don't have one, how can I? I like such a variety of music, it wouldn't be fair to say I like this one album the best.

Sonya Brown
In Music We Trust Writer (View all articles)

Hello. My name is Sonya and I have been writing articles for In Music We Trust since late 1997, when I attended a Lords of Acid concert and simply could not sleep until I found some sort of outlet to describe the sights and sounds of that incredible night. In Music We Trust has been my outlet every since.

My music tastes are eclectic and continually in motion; however over the past several years I find that I am leaning more towards the industrial and gothic genres.

I love the live music scene we have here in Portland, Oregon, and I feel it is extremely important to support the many talented musicians that deserve recognition. Writing for In Music We Trust is a great way for me to do this!


Glenn BurnSilver
In Music We Trust Writer (
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Glenn BurnSilver is a Colorado based freelance writer, music columnist, former magazine editor and world traveler who regularly writes about music, beer, travel, skiing, wine, cycling, adventure sports and popular culture. His work has appeared in Relix, Brew Your Own, Musico Pro (a Spanish language publication), Spectrum, The Scene, Soundboard, At Home, the Boulder Weekly, and the International Livestock Research Institute Journal. When not glued to the keyboard - which is most of the time as writing is an all-consuming passion - Glenn's diversions include brewing beer, restoring old cruiser bikes, collecting records (yes, those old things), hiking with his dog Zuni, skiing the backcountry (all year long) and transferring old concert tapes onto CD.

DJ Dysdynia
Former In Music We Trust Writer (
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DJ Dysdynia is my alias. I am a 21 year old female, former Paramedic, who is in college continuing her education in medicine. I have enjoyed gothic and industrial music for over 6 years. I owe my adoration for dark music to my friends and my greatest supporters, Bob and Crystal. Currently, I am a gothic/industrial DJ in a very fascist town under military control and I use my writing as a facet for my insomnia.

Gabriel Ferreira
In Music We Trust Writer (View all articles)

Gabriel Ferreira is a dilettante cum bon vivant currently residing in the hinterlands north of San Francisco. His career as a writer has included stints for Birth of Tragedy, Code, Kuru, Art Corps, Miasma and most notably, Snipehunt. It was with this last publication that, against his better judgment, he learned the fine art of reviewing music. Even now, years later, he is still running into people whose bands he mercilessly trashed. These encounters invariably result in him pretending to be someone else, usually a salesman with a prescription drug problem. If one good thing can be said about him it is that he does not give two hoots about the politics of the music business. As he is fond of saying, 'Without the music business, there would still be music but without music, the suits would go hungry'. Yeah, he's a regular Gore Vidal, that Gabriel.

Gary Pig Gold
In Music We Trust Writer (View all articles)

Being the big fan of Guy Lombardo and Glenn Miller my dad is, neither of these bands had any impact whatsoever on my musical tastes.

However, like any child, I was shipped off to spend summers at my Aunt Jenny's cottage where, unwittingly, I found that one special band while playing with an old radio early one morning: The Ran-Dells. Unfortunately, they only made one record (that I'm aware of), so I quickly had to set out to find several other bands to latch onto.

It wasn't until the February 9, 1964 Ed Sullivan Show that I knew why music meant so much to me: John Lennon sure could lay alotta words down and easily describe how you felt inside, all the while combining it with his band's sense of good melody and straight ahead hair style.

From there, there was no stopping me: I named my first band after the "P" word in "I Am The Walrus," started my own fanzine and record label (thanks to the Ramone brothers), and still travel the world to this day playing, writing, and writing about rock 'n' roll, rockabilly, pop, punk, folk, and even some "maximum rhythm 'n' bluegrass" on alternate weekends. Yes, there ARE only two types of music, as Alex said: Music that I like, and music that everyone else likes. I hope IN MUSIC WE TRUST I can truly bend some web-wanderin' ears my way ...and maybe even find out whatever happened to The Ran-Dells in the process.

(PS: Best album of all time? "It Crawled Into My Hand, Honest" by The Fugs)

Bernadette Giacomazzo
Former In Music We Trust Writer (
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--Born and raised in NY. Have a strange but not atypical Queens accent.
--Am 21 years old.
--One younger sis(11).
--Proud to be a full blooded Italian. Have a Sicilian father, so don't mess w/me! ;)
--Have two degrees -- B.A. in Classical Civilization, B.S. in Biology. Want to go back to school and get PhD's.
--Brown/brown, 5'8", 130, 34-26-36
--Freelancing since I was 17. Began with poetry and moved onto the music revues. Working on manuscript and submitted a collection of poetry to a few publishers.
--Have a fetish for British men. I mean, a REALLY BIG fetish. (!)
--Have a disproportionate number of male friends, relatives named Sal, Vinnie, Tony, and Maria, and books on self-defense.
--Favorite type of music: Anything except country music. And Eurotrash. I HATE EUROTRASH!!!!
--Favorite bands(and believe me, I won't confess to liking 90% of them! ;], and in no particular order): Sigue Sigue Sputnik, Television, R.E.M., Soul Coughing, Finley Quaye, Prodigy, Beatles, Sham 69, Luka Bloom, Cyndi Lauper, Led Zepplin, Mudhoney, Nirvana, INXS, Sex Pistols, The Clash, XTC, The Verve, and Transvision Vamp(of course...) ;].
--Web page: Working on it.

Randy Harward
In Music We Trust Writer (View all articles)

Cam Lindsay
In Music We Trust Writer (
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Jeff Lockwood
Former In Music We Trust Writer (
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My name is Jeff Lockwood and according to several demographic survey's, I'm alternative. Many of today's television programs, commercials and bands are designed to be attractive to me. Too bad they're all wrong. musical tastes are quite varied. For example, right now, my cd player is in random mode playing the following three discs: "Satiate" by Avail, "Pair" by Parasites and "Picture of Nectar" by Phish.

Just about the only music I can't stand is modern country. I especially dig punk, bluegrass, jazz, and glam rock.

I am the former Associate Editor of Dirt Rag Mountain Bike Magazine. Dirt Rag is a national magazine dedicated to the mountain biking lifestyle. And yes, I left this super-job to be closer to my future wife, Stacy. Center City Philadelphia has been home for me since I left Pittsburgh about a month ago. I am still very active with Dirt Rag magazine and my present responsibilities include writing, promotion and web site design and development.

Other than that...I ride mountain bikes (as soon as my collar bone heals), attempt to skate board and play guitar and drums (again, as soon as my clavicle is in its proper place).

Adam A. Nielsen
Former In Music We Trust Writer (
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I used to say that hip-hop music was therapy. I now should probably amend that statement to say that good hip-hop music is therapy. From my days as a youth listening to BDP, Public Enemy and NWA up till now as I listen to The Roots, AZ, and various underground sounds; I have been a follower of hip-hop and a fan. It helps me relax, helps me focus, and helps me stay motivated.

But now I am searching, I am on a quest. I crave new acts with fresh sounds and sharp lyrics. MTV & Billboard have nothing to do with my selections or my tastes. I need my mind to be stimulated, not just my ears. I am sick of watered down lyrics and manufactured beats. I am tired of �Bling Bling� lyrics and talk about who sells the most records. Music, like any other art form, needs to be about substance 1st. Once you start worrying about selling the most records or appealing to the lowest common denominator, it is over. You have lost. Stay out of the booth.

My articles will focus on the realness and the quality of today�s hip-hop. I will do my best to find fresh sounds. I will also review artists that are �mainstream� and that you have probably heard of. But I won�t give anyone undeserved credit. I will, however, also expose my readers to underground and up and coming artists. Oh, yeah I almost forgot. All of you tired rappers out there with no creativity- watch out. I�ve got things to say to you too. You can run to MTV, but you can only hide behind Carson Daly for so long.

David Patsko
Former In Music We Trust Writer (
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As a youngster, my musical tastebuds were tempted with the likes of Aerosmith, AC/DC, Van Halen, The Pretenders and Queen. I loved the music, it filled my soul and I would listen as often as I could. As I grew older, however, I started hearing a different kind of music that grabbed my attention: hip-hop. It started out slowly, an occasional listening session of "The Message" here, "Rapper's Delight" there, but never really escalated into anything. I liked it and that was that. Once I reached my teenage years though, hip-hop was everything to me. It occupied my CD player and tape decks more than any other music. I did whatever I could to learn more about it and expand my musical library. Now that I'm a mature adult, I reflect back upon all those years and I realize that hip-hop was always there for me: whenever I was angry I would listen to "Fight The Power" by Public Enemy, whenever I was sad I would listen to "Love's Gonna Get You" by BDP, whenver I was in an upbeat mood I'd listen to "The Show" by Doug E. Fresh. My CD shelves were occupied with the likes of 3rd Bass, Digital Underground, 2Pac Shakur, Eric B and Rakim, KRS-One, EPMD, Kool Moe Dee, Slick Rick and Public Enemy. As the "gangsta" image infiltrated the music and it attained a more mainstream appeal, my tastes grew to incorporate NWA, Compton's Most Wanted, Spice 1, Three 6 Mafia and The Geto Boys. I became dependent upon the music and it never let me down--the same holds true today. Lately, I have been growing increasingly short-fused with the mainstream music and have gone back to the underground scene, but a fat beat and rhymes automatically catches my attention--no matter if it's from Del the Funkyhomosapien or Ghetto Concept.

As a reviewer for In Music We Trust, I try my best to convey my opinions of the CD in question. Although I may not like the artist that released the CD, I try to listen objectively and not conjure up any lackluster past efforts he/she/they may have done. So far I have gotten more positive criticism than negative and I hope that holds up. At any rate, being part of the In Music We Trust team has been nothing short of an honor and I take great pride in seeing my reviews featured monthly. I will continue to work diligently to help In Music We Trust expand and grow continually and I welcome any feedback, whether it be criticism or comments, negative or positive, from all those who read In Music We Trust.

Best hip-hop album of all time: It Takes A Nation Of Public Enemy

Best rap album of all time: Creepin On Ah Come Up by Bone Thugs~N~Harmony

Best rap related double CD: Life After Death by The Notorious BIG

Crystofer Paules
Former In Music We Trust Writer/Photographer (
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Spontaniously combustible on Tuesdays. Look out, he bites.

Martin Royle
In Music We Trust Writer (View all articles)

please save marty royle from corporate america. marty royle was not built for corporate america. he is, shall we say, fragile. he's also not very smart. neither smart nor sturdy, marty has only a dysfunctional relationship with the written word and a happy but unstable relationship with his own penis to light the way. and what a dark night it's been.

although he and i share the same first name, i have never understood the man. i first met him in a bar two years ago, where he was laying on the ground, drooling and repeating the word "salty" over and over again. He really meant it.

I saw again 7 months later at a party i was having. he came up to me, put his hand on my shoulder and walked away. he then told everyone at the party he'd gotten to 'second base' with me.

hire marty royle, he puts the hard in hardworking

Marty Social
The Washington Social Club

Mike Santarpia
Former In Music We Trust Writer (
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My Name is Mike Santarpia and I am into everything industrial (industrial rock, industrial dance, noise, traditional and experimental, gothic industrial, ebm), as well as some metal.

Some of my favorite bands are: Chemlab, N17, 16 Volt, Clay People, Rorschach Test, and Acumen Nation.

Best album of all time: Chemlab "Burnout At The Hydrogen Bar."

I am very much involved in the industrial scene in my area :). I am a field rep for Slipdisc Records, 21st Circuitry, C.O.P. International, Invisible Records, Waxtrax, TVT, as well as Never Records).

I am also putting together my own compilation of industrial acts on Suisonic Records.

Finally, I handle my own web page called Industrial Anarchy.

In closing INDUSTRIAL RULES! Support the scene!

Kate Thompson
Former In Music We Trust Writer (
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I live in a town where music and shows are everyone's lives. Never have I had a boring moment in Flint, Michigan. Living here, I have had exposure to both great bands and horrible bands.

Some of the bands that have made an impact on my life include: Clutch, Tori Amos, Weezer, The Cranberries, Kid Brother Collective, Sarah Malachlan, Wyclef Jean, Bjork, Sunny Day Realestate, Tool, Integrity, Ben Folds Five, and Moby.

My musical tastes are very diverse because of all the exposure I have had. When I get into my car, I pop in a cd, and just relax. Music is my life, I will give any type of a music a chance, and if I dont like it...sometimes it gets a second chance. Just like my life, I always give things a second chance.

I, on the other hand, have no musical talent what so ever. I sing sometimes, and I used to play the viola, piano, and saxophone, however I was so bad that I just gave up. Maybe someday I will give them a second chance, who knows?

I am writing for IN MUSIC WE TRUST because I feel the need to share some of my views with people, like myself, who dare to be different.

Sylvia White
Former In Music We Trust Writer (
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Born a R&B-Hip Hop-Alternative-Funk& Soul-Jazz enthusiast child of the world's music, I like all kinds, even some Country, if you can dig that! I eat, sleep, breathe and am totally consumed by the lyrics, lines and flow within the realm of harmonies blended.

Influenced mostly by R&B and artists such as Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Aretha Franklin, Phyllis Hyman, Patti LaBelle, Michael Jackson, Chaka Khan, Prince, Maxwell, Babyface, Janet Jackson, Brian McKnight, Will Downing, Stanley Clarke, Miles Davis, and Sade. They are the sounds that ignite the flames of creativity, telling us all that there is vision and circumstance in all that we do.

I still find time to delve into other genre's and have found soul in some of the more Alternative beings such as Sarah McLachlan, Alanis Morrisette, Counting Crows, Melissa Etheridge, and on. Born in the 70's yet a child of the 80's sound, Phil Collins found his way into my life early, he along with the likes of Fleetwood Mac, Richard Marx, Gloria Estefan and even Culture Club (HA) have created what is me.

I am a well-rounded musical creature of today. Through my eyes music is divine! The sound, the soul, the texture and feel. From passion to heartache it indeed tells the story of our lives. Listen on...

Danielle Woodrich
Former In Music We Trust Writer (
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Sharp, dangerous utensil. Use to dig the different.

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