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Mice Parade Obrigado Saudade (FatCat / Bubblecore) By: Cam Lindsay

Mice Parade (an anagram of founding member Adam Pierce) has quietly been making records for six years and it's not that they've gone unnoticed, it's that the music is so hushed and gentle. Obrigado Saudade is the fifth album of warm and intricate instrumentals (with the occasional vocals) that touches on both acoustic and electronic instrumentation. Assisted by friends such as Doug Scharin (HiM), Rob Laasko (Swirlies), Kristin Valtysdottir (Mum) and members of Dylan Group, Pierce manages to avoid sounding like an improv outfit, leading the collective towards something much more natural. There is a humming flow that fades in and out with the help of free jazz rhythms. In fact, percussion plays the predominant role in most of the record, shaping the mood without convention, most notably on "Milton Road", where handclaps provide a beat. Obrigado Saudade is a uniquely innovative and placid record that avoids complications with its beauty.
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