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Strobe Talbot 20 Pop Songs (Alternative Tentacles) By: Jeb Branin

Jad Fair is a busy man. It seems like he has been a part of about half the projects released on Alternative Tentacles this year. I guess it was inevitable that with this many irons in the fire one of them wouldn't get the attention it deserved. STROBE TALBOT is that iron. Yes there are some very good Jad pop idiosyncrasies on here but for the most part this sounds like a collection of some of his most throwaway creations. I've spun this over and over because as any Jad fan knows, it often take multiple listens to find his quirky groove, but to no avail. Only a couple of tunes on here reach out and grab me. I wonder how much of this was recorded improv? It sounds like quite a bit of it, which is often a good thing but not in this case. Here they just sound lost.
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