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Sodom M-16 (SPV) By: Jeb Branin

Ooooooh yeah! One of the greatest metal bands on the planet deliver the goods yet again. SODOM are one of the gods of German thrash metal and one of the biggest influences for the original death metal scene. After all these years you would expect ole' Tom Angelripper to have lost his edge, but he has done nothing of the sort. In fact, this album shows he and current band members Bernemann and Bobby Schottkowski are in fine form. Following along the line of their prior CD "Code Red," this album is full of the noisy thrash and political commentary the band is known for. For my money it is only a step or two behind the premier SODOM albums like "Persecution Mania," "Agent Orange," and "Masquerade in Blood." Only a fool or an *NSYNC fan would pass this up.
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