Something Happened (New Improved Music)
By: Alex Steininger

Effortless and so open, Seela wears her heart on her sleeve as she deals with various emotions and themes on her sophomore release, Something Happened , a relaxed, natural sounding record that is gentle in sound and plentiful in content.Seela's voice is so natural and honest. "Give Up" places a real soft and steady rhythm next to trickling guitars that bring all the emotions to the surface, all while Seela's voice speaks directly to your heart and soul in such a relaxed way, you can't help but feel every syllable that comes out of her mouth.
"Peace of Mind" finds the rhythm section bouncing a bit more and Seela's voice more energetic, while the guitar buzz instead of trickle. Keeping the delicate touch while still proceeding into rock and pop territory, the song manages to deliver a poppy, hooky song that has the motor and grease to slide right into your ears and get stuck in your head.
"Something Else" finds Seela delivering contemplative notes next to her sensitive noise. "Collided" spins your head with a little groove that gets you going and "Seed" has you melting at the sound of Seela's tender voice.
"Forgiveness," "If I'm Wrong" and "Hero" are three more fine examples of what Seela is capable of. Delivering a thoughtful, well-rounded album that never slacks off or dulls, Something Happened makes you want to sit there and feel every word, note, and beat time and time again. I'll give it an A-.