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Sacred Steel Wargods of Metal (Metal Blade Records) By: Jeb Branin

Death to false metal indeed. "Wargods of Metal" is chapter two in SACRED STEEL's scripture of metallic world domination. Like their mind blowing debut, this album is a merciless onslaught of pure, blood soaked heavy metal. Combining the aggression of thrash with the classic song structures of PRIEST, SACRED STEEL cop an attitude of uncompromising devotion to their music ala MANOWAR, They forge a near flawless piece of musical iron tempered with sweat, fire and iron. The band even stay true in their lyrics to traditional heavy metal topics like war, death, satan and the stroking of one's own ego. Sure it may be a bit cheesy but I still love every second of it. This is the kind of stuff I lived and breathed growing up. This album is a bit slower then the debut which has both its good and bad points. I would say this is every bit as good as the debut except that the production is too smooth and glossy. The mix leaves the music somewhat thin at times. Too bad I don't have this on vinyl, that would beef things up just about right. Of course when your banging your head to tunes like "Iron Legions" and "Army of Metalheads" with the volume cranked to eleven production nuances become totally irrelevant.
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