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Strung Out Twisted By Design (Fat Wreck Chords) By: Jeb Branin
 Another stellar release from STRUNG OUT who have the distinction of being able to package a classic pop punk sound in absolutely blazing tunes. A lot of bands try to capture melody in tunes this fast but few succeed like STRUNG OUT. But speed isn't the whole story and it certainly isn't a crutch because the band are just as potent when they turn in an anthem or two. The Fat sound is just getting phatter as bands like this experiment with how far they can take the music without sacrificing the foundation upon which they've built their following. And a sharp stick in the eye to any who try and dismiss this as "not punk." Punk was born as short, fast, and catchy little tunes played by smartasses out for a good time... sounds like the perfect definition of STRUNG OUT.
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