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The Evaporators/Thee Goblins I Gotta Rash b/w We Are Thee Goblins From Canada (Nardwuar The Human Serviette Records, Inc.) By: Gary "Pig" Gold
 Alotta people think the only cool things to have ever come out of the Great White Northlands are the (early) Guess Who, Stompin' Tom Connors, "SCTV" and, of course, Young Neil. Well, let us not forget to now add to that illustrious list the one, the only Nardwuar (the Human Serviette) and his fantastic bands The Evaporators and Thee Goblins, both of whom share an LP side (and half the free enclosed CD) of their latest and without a doubt greatest release.Simply put, Goblin-rock is positively garage-y at its utmost stripped-downedness (one organ, one drum, some vocals and occasional ska-horns), while on the literal flipside the Evaporators produce fast and furious primal pop, Modern Lovers-meet-Rezillos-style. It's impossible not to sing and/or dance along with the majority of the Grade "Eh" material herein ("Woof Woof, I'm A Goof" and "Hump Duh Dog" are future denizens of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood even!), but just to give you a well-deserved breather, the festivities are twice interrupted with samplings of Nardwuar's infamous interview tapes (this time his victims being a wise-cracking Prime Minister of Canada Jean Chretien and a wisely non-confrontational Iggy Pop). As if this alone wasn't far too much fun for your buck, check out the ultimate version of Edwin Hawkins' "Oh Happy Day" which closes Side One: stately, majestic, and totally whacked-- as all the best Gospel should always be, amen. Oh! When ordering your copies of this undeniable classic from the address below, don't dare forget to ask about Nardwuar's "custom video tapes" too. You WON'T be sorry you did!
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