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The Muffs Happy Birthday To Me (Reprise Records) By: Alex Steininger
 The Muffs are back with their latest release on Reprise Records. A full throttle, head on punk album full of hooks and melodies. Strong enough to make your heart race a hundred miles per hour, and emotional enough to make you want to cry and feel the pain the band is experiencing.The album starts off with "Crush Me." It starts off face paced, and has the energy to rip you to shreds, and then Kim's vocals come in and add the rough edge to the song. As the drums beat fiercely, her vocals are cutting the song through its own path. The lyrics add even more depth, as the guitar screeches in your ear. "That Awful Man" starts it off with hooks galore. You'll sink your teeth in these and try to hold on, but they'll throw something stronger and more powerful at you as soon as you turn your back. The hooks will addict you, believe me, they got me! This is one of my favorite tracks on the album! "All Blue Baby" is just another addicting track on the album. "Yeah it's a lovely sunny day/and I wish it'd go away" shouts out Kim in her sharp as a razor voice of hers. Most bands dream, fantasize even, about having an infectious album like this. "My Crazy Afternoon" packs in more power and a more fierce edge than the previous track, and they keep this tradition up! "Pennywhore" takes the hooks to the next level, and throws real life lyrics in your face. These aren't sugar coated songs about growing up with a TV dinner watching "Leave It To Beaver." No, as "Where Only I Could Go" demonstrates, they shower you with lyrics that you'll be able to touch bases on one level or another. And they do it in style. They don't sit there and whine about how their life is awful, no!, they sit there and talk about how real life has treated them, but you can here the strength in their music. They'll keep bouncing back after everything is thrown at them. They'll be the last band standing after everyone has taken their shots at them. "The Best Time Around" finishes off the CD with a clincher. After hearing this track and all it's pop hooks that are combined with punk guitars and Kim's scratchy razor sharp lyrics, you'll be crawling back for more. You won't be able to walk away from this CD. It's too powerful, too strong, and too emotional for you to not want more. They'll get you, and they know it. This album is chalk full of confidence, and some of it might even rub off on you. The Muffs have done it again. They've composed a strong album with everything that you want, but were afraid to ask for. Real life lyrics, powerhouse hooks, and fierce blows to anyone that questions their methods. They'll even throw some surprise at you. Pick this album up and forget your problems while you listen. A definite A+.
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