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Man Machine (Times Beach Records) By: Mark A. Lawrence the IV

There is so little to these songs, all you have is primal music like the Bill Bigsby's Bruce Banner going all crazy white-eyed, lacking reason, just emotion and sound. Short and sweet like The Ramones, if they paraphrased. They come closest to being defined as rebel chants, this album is a call to arms to all the true punks that aren't rotting away in the malls of America, who's hard edge comes from the street and not from plush upper class lives and a Hot Topics store. Or is it? On top of simple enjoyment, there is also a level of respect at the pure genius of these simple songs and the talent of the multi-tasking ability of This Guy singing while playing both the bass and bass drum. Though there is a few moments that this punk chant grow old, but with songs like "Losing Hope" and "Leave," there is enough change up that you don't lose all interest. Whether you take these songs as humorous commentary on social elements or a simple venting of anger, these are fun high-speed short bursts of emotion that boil up from some genetic memory from a time when the mind was ruled by emotions instead of mental social structures imposed over time by the society we live in. Rating: C+
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