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David Dondero The Transient (Future Farmer) By: Alex Steininger

On his second full-length for Future Farmer Recordings, singer-songwriter David Dondero blends indie-rock, Americana, and folk into his ragged, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants songs. With a loose, homespun touch to his arrangements, and an emotionally gripping voice that dominates each song, no matter what the instrumentation is like, his voice, his lyrics, are always center place. And, though his voice is rough around the edges and is really an acquired taste, and his music a bit too non-cohesive at times to easily swallow, Dondero's bare-bones approach works to his benefit, because once you're into it, you're sold. For everyone else, the record will wear thin quickly and replaced by something else. But for those that have time and want to give it a fair shake, its flaws become its selling points. I'll give it a B-.
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