Come To California (Marina Recordings)
By: Gary "Pig" Gold

Har-rumph! Two discs AND a "concept album" to boot! Usually circumstances which send me cowering beneath the nearest Buddha bubblegum re-issue by way of protection. Yet Joe Mannix and Co. have herein produced a great big album which never ever lets the storyline get in the way of the substance.Namely? Damn good songs (stupid)! For just one example, the title track is the best (not to mention most truly Canadian) hit G. Lightfoot and/or N.Young never had, while the lovingly Fogerty-filled "Gasoline" rings even more relevant today, as the entire nation itself prepares for yet another drive to points far westward.
Lusciously recorded and so expertly sung (Joe and Chris Peck have long refined a near Everly-like vocal rapport), but most importantly impeccably written, arranged and performed, this could very well be the pop opera to end ALL pop operas!
(PS: and no real need to panic, actually: both discs only run a total of fifty-two-and-a-half minutes).
Now tell me, Joe: Where's the MOVIE?!!