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Mortal Clay Unseen Element (Mortal Clay) By: Jett Black

Music therapy by Mortal Clay is the Unseen Element that the undead need to make it through the last remaining basket weaving projects before heading out for the bitter evening feast. Clearly Gothic and forlorn music for more modern black clad freaks and fiends, and for the repressive prozac-dependents wandering down morbid boulevards of the mind and spirit. Music for those for whom the push toward the light brings back only charred flesh and egos. This album, too, becomes available just in time for Halloween, and for US residents, this debut full length album is absolutely free for those who visit http://www.mortalclay.com and make contact with the musicians Kidbe and Marco for a FREE cd that includes, also FREE shipping. Soaring vocals throughout the 10 tracks on this album provided by Kidby who also writes all the lyrics and turns out chilling staccato guitar riffs. Mortal Clay recently held a cd release party for Unseen Element at Portland's International Club Mummy, performing with Sumerland that same evening. Old School Death Rock and gutter Punk Rock music filled the night out like bookends around the live music sets. Track 10 includes reflects back to track 3 "Spirit of Fire" as remixed by Ryze + Fall. This final track opens with truly haunting impressions much like music by Coil or Lycia, and continues beneath emanating echoes upon echoes, and then the drum and bass kicks in and carries the overall effect into a pulsating trance dance groove. 12-panel cd insert unfolds lyric sheets, info, imagery and sketch art productions for Unseen Element. Music by Mortal Clay often reminds me of cletic influences I've caught in film scores about war ravished and impoverished tenants enslaved to Barons of distant times in far off lands. Despite the apparently anachronistic influences, Mortal Clay appears to be on the gcutting edge of electro-gothic music technology which is evident from the gear crowding the stage during live performances. And as noted at their website www.mortalclay.com, Mortal Clay seeks to increase exposure for this debut and their upcoming second full length release by intensively booking gigs throughout the Northwest region of the USA. If you like digging about on the darker side of Halloween everyday of the year, then plan on picking up Unseen Element FREE at any upcoming LIVE performance by Mortal Clay in the NW, or contact for your FREE copy of Unseen Element now their webpage.
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