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Machine Head (alt) The Burning Red (Roadrunner Records) By: Geoff Melton

When guitarist Logan Mader left Machine Head after the tour for their sophomore effore The More Things Change ..., the band, and especially vocalist Robb Flynn, went into a serious tailspin. Thankfully instead of packing it in and calling it a day, the remaining three members recruited guitarist Ahrue Luster, headed into the studio with producer Ross Robinson and came out with their best, most mature album so far. While The Burning Red has a sense of emotional intensity and a strong melodic side that's more evident than ever before, it still has that Machine Head sound, with occasional hip-hop vocals, strong dynamics and definitely not lacking in heaviness. Lyrically Flynn has gotten quite personal with topics like Mader's defection and Flynn's childhood sexual adubt tackled respectively in "Devil With the King's Card" and "Five", and his vocals are stronger and more dynamic than ever before. A big step foward for a band that's already proven themselves several times before.
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